New York Times

Throw Out Your Lettuce! New York State Sees E. Coli Breakout
Throw Out Your Lettuce! New York State Sees E. Coli Breakout
Throw Out Your Lettuce! New York State Sees E. Coli Breakout
The E. Coli breakout from all of theis romaine lettuce is expanding. The Center for Disease Control has upped the recall to 16 states after over 50 outbreaks have occured. New York has had numerous. The contaminated greens have been traced to Yuma, Ariz ...
Alec Baldwin’s SNL Salary for Playing Trump is Anything But Yuge
Alec Baldwin’s SNL Salary for Playing Trump is Anything But Yuge
Alec Baldwin’s SNL Salary for Playing Trump is Anything But Yuge
Once upon a time, Alec Baldwin thought he might get to retire his SNL rendition of Donald Trump, as the world moved on with a Clinton presidency. Now, over a month past the election and three appearances since, Baldwin reveals not only a surprisingly small takehome for the role, but also the likelihood of a regular presence going forward.

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