
Haunted Buffalo: Marjim Manor Winery in WNY [Video]
Haunted Buffalo: Marjim Manor Winery in WNY [Video]
Haunted Buffalo: Marjim Manor Winery in WNY [Video]
Shubal, Sophia and Lewis Merritt, Charles and Hannah Ring and the Sisters of St. Joseph's dog Duke are the spirits of The Winery at Marjim Manor in Western New York. The historic winery in Appleton, NY, is a part of the Haunted History Trail of New York State.
Apple Picking
Apple Picking
Apple Picking
The apple farms are starting to let their customers know that it's time to start buying freshly picked apples and apple cider. Here are our top places to find apples in Buffalo and the surrounding area.
How Haunted Is Buffalo? [AUDIO]
How Haunted Is Buffalo? [AUDIO]
How Haunted Is Buffalo? [AUDIO]
Mason Winfield is a fascinating man. He's authored 10 books about the supernatural and paranormal in Western NY. If you're a fan of WNY history and folklore...you won't be able to get enough of this!