
Favorite Toys When I Was A Kid [Video]
Favorite Toys When I Was A Kid [Video]
Favorite Toys When I Was A Kid [Video]
Cheryl and I were talking about Favorite Toys this morning...we had all kinds of calls from listeners. This made me think about my favorite toys...Jimmy Jet, Man from UNCLE toys, and of course the Slinky!
The Left Vs The Right
The Left Vs The Right
The Left Vs The Right
Not what you think! Joe & Cheryl got a debate going this week on is it better to be left handed or right handed? Early in school I could write with both, and they taught me to be right handed because that's how most of the world is set up.
Cheryl’s Favorite Irish Songs
Cheryl’s Favorite Irish Songs
Cheryl’s Favorite Irish Songs
I'm half Irish, half Polish...  and am very proud of both of my heritages.   (Plus I love celebrating both Saint Patrick's Day and Dyngus Day... Ha!)  My father is a "Doherty", and comes from a family of 12 brothers and sisters.  There were lots of large family gatherings growing up...  and sometimes, an Irish song or two.  Here are a few my favorites...
Too Cold Out for Your Pets?
Too Cold Out for Your Pets?
Too Cold Out for Your Pets?
Baby it's cold outside...  and if it's too cold for you, then chances are your dog or cat won't be able to handle it either!  Here are some cold weather pet tips from the ASPCA...

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