Buffalo schools

5 Changes To Buffalo Schools
5 Changes To Buffalo Schools
5 Changes To Buffalo Schools
As a former elementary school teacher, I always tend to have the kiddos best interest in mind. There are some major changes coming to Buffalo Schools nest year.
The Buffalo School Board voted 6-2 in favor of a resolution that calls for Carl Paladino to resign from the Board within 24 hours. According to WKBW, "If Paladino does not resign, the Board will acquire outside counsel to file a petition with State Education Commissioner Mary Ellen Elia to remove him...
Meet Dr. Kriner Cash
Meet Dr. Kriner Cash
Meet Dr. Kriner Cash
Parents and community members in Buffalo had the opportunity to meet and talk with the new candidate who could be the Superintendent of Buffalo Schools Super -- Dr. Kriner Cash.
Uproar In Buffalo Schools Over New Hire
Uproar In Buffalo Schools Over New Hire
Uproar In Buffalo Schools Over New Hire
Fasten your seat belts because here we go again! A school district that is constantly under fire for poor student performance, a poor graduation rate, and high absenteeism is about to commit another major public relations error!