Buffalo jobs

Jobs in Buffalo
Looking for work, or maybe just a change of pace?  This week presents a unique opportunity to see what the city has to offer! "Buffalo Works" presents several events this week for careers in the Queen city (click the list items in BOLD for more info!) :...
Looking for a Job?  NCCC Hosting Job Fair in April
Looking for a Job? NCCC Hosting Job Fair in April
Looking for a Job? NCCC Hosting Job Fair in April
Time for a new job? Fresh start? Maybe your first job? Niagara County Community College is having their Spring 2015 Job & Internship Fair. There will be a great mix of employers from the public and private sectors looking to hire and provide immediate openings in a huge range of fields. NCCC...
Buffalo Jobs Coming Back! [REPORT]
Buffalo Jobs Coming Back! [REPORT]
Buffalo Jobs Coming Back! [REPORT]
Good news for Western New York!  According to a report on newyorkjobs.com, unemployment in Buffalo is down to levels not seen since 2008!  Also, every month for the last 3 years brought year-on-year growth of Western New York Jobs. Department...