
Map of the 3.8 Magnitude Earthquake in Western New York
Map of the 3.8 Magnitude Earthquake in Western New York
Map of the 3.8 Magnitude Earthquake in Western New York
Look at this map of the 3.8 magnitude earthquake that hit Western New York this morning around 6:15 AM. You can see where the earthquake originated from in West Seneca based on where the red star is. From there, you can see the different colored squares that indicate how the earthquake felt in each area.
Buffalo Earthquake
Buffalo Earthquake
Buffalo Earthquake
According to, there was an earthquake early Friday morning under Lake Erie.  It took place six miles southwest of Port Colburne, Ontario and registered 2.1 on the Richter scale. 2.1 isn't an earthquake you're gonna feel, unless maybe you were right on top of it.  If...

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