Back to school is less than a week away and here are some safety tips from Mrs. P a Principal at St. Andrews Country Day School.



I am a former elementary school teacher. I know the many issues students face everyday and it is really important to keep them safe. I reached out to my former Principal and friend, Mrs. P at Saint Andrew's Country Day School for some pointers to make sure all of the kiddos are safe... Here is what she had to say,


"In the classroom-Its harder for you than it is for the kids!  They cry because they see you upset/scared/nervous.  My daughter dug her nails into the grout of the tile on the wall when I had to leave her! It was different for me because I am the principal walking through and saying hi to everyone so the separation was difficult-BUT within 5 min she was fine and playing and forgot about me! Let them go and know it will be okay! These kids become our kids when they walk through the doors-we love them and we PROMISE to take care of them! We will defend them with our lives.
2. In the parking lot-that text/email/call can wait!! Go slow, look and look again!  These are kids and they are depending on us to keep them responsible!
3.  On the road-when it comes to a bus- STOP on both sides of the street when the lights are red and when the lights are yellow-be prepared to stop!  Again these are all of our kids and the last thing we want is for one to be hurt or killed because an adult couldnt wait or put the phone down for the max of 5 minutes it may take for kids to get on and off the bus."


So, there you have it! Don't do the long, drawn out good-byes, and put your phones down while driving!

Stay safe Buffalo!

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